Thursday, October 25, 2007

2 week check-up

As you can see, Tayne loves being a big brother. Pallas had her two week Dr. appointment today -she was such a sweet girl, she didn't cry at all when the Dr. checked her out, and she recovered pretty quick from the little heel stick blood draw they do; I think the whole thing was more tramatic for Tayne - perhaps we shouldn't bring him when they have to give her shots...
Anyway, for those who like stats :

weight : 8lbs 9.5 oz (75%) -Troy says I should note that she drank a 2oz. bottle right before they weighed her, so take that into account however you want.
length : 22in. (95%) -she grew 1.5in. since we brought her home, guess that explains why we have to keep closing her little diapers tighter to keep them on her -the other day one had wiggled half way down her butt by the time I checked her!
head : 34.5cm. (25%) -it doesn't look small to me, but that would explain why her little hats keep falling over her eyes...

Now her check-up is out of the way we are in hyper-countdown-to-Halloween mode here. I picked up the material to make Tayne's fish costume (note to self & others with kids: don't let Troy make costume suggestions any more -not only can you not find pre-made fish costumes, they don't even have patterns for fish costumes!) and he's very excited about me finishing it. Only 6 days to go (Maybe I can power though on a candy fueled sugar high, although I am breastfeeding, and I don't think this baby needs to be any sweeter!) luckily if it doesn't turn out so great it will be dark when he wears it- either way there's bound to be lots of fun and lots of pictures next week!

1 comment:

  1. You are the best mom ever! I love my mental picture of Tayne being a fish for Halloween! I will keep in mind not to ask Troy for ideas next year:) Oakley decided he wants to be Frankinstien and Everett wants to be Count Olaf from The Series of Unfortunate Event books. The pic of Tayne and Pallas is so sweet. I can't wait to meet her!
