Wednesday, October 31, 2007

It's finally Halloween!

Is this a fish?

-No, just Tayne!

Whew! October 31st is finally here – Happy Halloween to everyone! – It’s been a whirlwind with the new little one and the overzealous older one, but I managed to finish Tayne’s costume about 11pm last night (with a very excited Tayne demanding updates on my progress from his bedroom – he only went to sleep after he was sure I had finished it in time for Halloween & then only after we told him he could not wear it to bed and he would have to wait until after 6am to wear it today (otherwise he would have found a way to keep himself up until midnight so he could put it on)) – it turned out pretty cute & I even put a little pocket in the mouth so he could “feed” the fish & I can’t wait until later when we get pictures of the kiddos all dressed up. Even with all the chaos of adjusting to having two kids & recovering from the hospital, I’m pleased that we managed to get in all the Halloween activities that make the day/season fun - we even have a pumpkin to carve today sometime (Tayne remembered he likes the pumpkin with the candle in it so we picked one up yesterday and he agreed to draw the face for me to carve) – my favorite thing to do at Halloween, so I’m excited. Tayne is very excited about trick-or-treating this year, and he’s got it all figured out – when we were at the store last night and I was asked him to help pick out candy for the trick-or-treaters he told me that we didn’t need to buy candy because we would get some when we went trick-or-treating – why didn’t I think of that (wink, wink – grin, grin!)? The weather should be great here tonight, no rain and temps in the low 70’s to mid 60’s –a nice treat for me since that weather fits the warmth /weatherproofness of the costumes & it will be decent weather for taking the baby out – all in all it should be a really fun day. Hope your Halloween is safe and happy & check back tomorrow for your photo "treat" of our fun filled Halloween!

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