Friday, November 2, 2007


So Happy Together!

Just hangin' out with the other fish...
When is that sun gonna set!?!
Here are some pictures from Halloween - the camera isn't working the best for me these days, I really have to get my own instead of trying to use the one Tayne uses -he's always got it set some weird way I can't figure out (annoying kids and their ability to use technology better than adults!) The fish turned out pretty good for Tayne - I had to make something he could sit in the car in and get in and out of easily in case he got tired of it, so we put velcro on both sides of the tail so it could come off completely, and the mouth had a little bag/pocket so he could put stuff in there - he really liked that feature as well. It also worked out well that we found some material with sequins on it ($1 bin at Wal-mart no less!) so that really made the tail and fins sparkle.
Tayne had a pretty fun Halloween - we went to a community carnival where he got to play a few games & then we went trick-or-treating, which he lost enthusiasm for pretty quickly when nobody really had any candy he was interested in (here are these houses with the "good" (name brand chocolate) candy and this kid being all put out/not wanting their selections - too funny!)
Pallas slept through most of it - except when we went to visit Gavin & baby Carina (sorry you had to work Jen!) and when I sat on the floor to give her a bottle the two large doggies gave her a good sniffing - she didn't cry, but she sure didn't know what to make of that, it was a fun stop though I think we depressed one of the dogs - I don't think Roxy knew there could be other babies and I think she was a little worried that a crying Pallas would be staying there & she would be stuck with two of "them" - hopefully she cheered up after we left - just in time to bark at other trick-or-treaters and make them think twice about wanting candy from that house!
Luckily we made it home in time for Tayne to give out some of our candy (not the "good" stuff) to trick-or-treaters in our neighborhood - I don't think he could decide which he liked best, giving out candy or going trick-or treating. Then after that Troy and Tayne went through all the candy he collected and traded out for the candy we had that he wanted - although Troy did manage to get a little tricking in, after a bunch of trades, Tayne was so excited about trading Troy actaully managed to trick him into trading some skittles back for more chocolate bars -you can imagine Tayne didn't care so much for the "tricks" and thought we should just focus on the "treats" -but it's good to get a little of both on Halloween!


  1. I love love love Tayne's fish!! You are so creative. When I grow up I want to be like Val:)

  2. I forgot to mention that I love Pallas' little grin with her big brother
