Tuesday, December 18, 2007

2 month check-up

Yesterday was Pallas' 2 month check-up.
Her current stats :
Weight: 13 lbs, 6 oz (95%)
Length: 24 inches (95% -and no, length does not include mohawk height)
Head: 38cm (25% - I know, the 25% seemed troubling to me too, until I found out that 38cm is 25%, but 39cm is 50% and 40cm is 75% so I guess if it's not bothering the Dr. and she's doing fine we'll just accept it and buy small hats ;) )

She seems to be doing well developmentally (not that 2 month old babies do that much anyway) and she's pretty healthy (of course now I say that she'll probably get some kind of cold or sickness over night) and happy.

I can't wait for her first Christmas!

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