Friday, December 14, 2007

Christmas is coming!

No fancy picture today - sadly it seems our camera is suffering from some sort of lens error -personally I thought is was bad timing on the camera's part because it's the perfect time of year to be replaced, but Troy and Tayne love it, so I think we are going to see if it can be repaired. -I'll probably buy myself a less fancy camera just so I can take pictures, I've been wanting one anyway & I finally found one I'm happy with the shot-to-shot recovery time, and that is so simple looking on the outside that Tayne really doesn't want much to do with it ( When we were looking at the cameras in the store and I tried show it to him for testing and his opinion he took one look at it and actually seemed insulted I would try to get him to use such an unimpressive camera. So since I'm looking for one I don't have to share I think I found a winner -Merry almost Christmas to me!) Speaking of almost Christmas, I can't believe it's only 11 days until the day! I know it, would have been cooler to point out 12 days to CHristmas, and really I meant to write this yesterday when it was 12, but Pallas was a little fussy last night and by the time Tayne went to sleep & she settled down my momentum had all been used up. Last weekend I thought I was doing pretty good managing all the holiday stuff, but now I'm starting to see I may be a little't interesting how much extra time I have to alot for another kid - I didn't think having two would be much different, and I've been pretty good at organizing all the standard baby tasks (things like extra laundry, organizing diapers and bottles, etc.) into my routine without adding much to my regular work, but I guess I hadn't accounted for the tag team effect - where one kid desperately needs help with something, then when you think you have that one squared away for a while and you think can get back to what you were doing, the other one desperately needs something after which the first kid has finished whatever and now needs your attention for something else. It's not been overwhelming or anything, but it certainly gives me a fresh appreciation for how much everyone else with two or more kids actually accomplishes by any sort of deadline. (Translation, if I'm mailing you something this Christmas, feel free to be impressed if it makes it there on time!) Well, I guess that's enough of an update and rambling for now - I'd better go work on our Christmas cards while the house is still quiet. By the way, I love the ones we've recieved so far - especially the one with pictures! It seems like all the kids I know are growing up so fast & turning out so cute!

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