Friday, December 7, 2007

Highlights from a visit to Santa

It's that time of year, although you wouldn't know it from the 80 degree weather. Tonight we headed out for a visit with Santa. Here are some photos (of course) and some higlights...

1. Tayne comes home from and outing with Troy & sees Pallas' outfit - "Oooh, Pallas you're dressed like a Parade!"

2.Tayne has to eat dinner before we go - the rest of us get to see "fast eating," which as far as I could tell was the same speed as any other eating, but with the addition of Tayne telling us, "I'm not ready to go, but this is fast eating."

3. We go to see Santa - Tayne, "Which one is Santa?" Troy, "He's the one sitting in the chair by the tree." Tayne (looking at a tray with like 100 cookies left on it and a family of 3 each taking one cookie), "Hey, those people are eating all my cookies." Val, "The cookies are for after Santa, get back in line."

4. We make it to see Santa - Tayne hugs Santa. Santa & kids pose for a picture. Santa to Tayne, "What do you want for Christmas?" Tayne, "Presents."


1 comment:

  1. Presents! Ha ha ha:) You're so articulate with everything you write Val. I love reading your updates.
