Monday, January 7, 2008

Sea World Texas

Ugh! Stupid computer just won't work for me today, so these probably aren't in the best order, but here are some pictures from last year (December) when the days were sunny and the water was salty (and cold - what do you expect, it was December...)

Happy faces testing the camera batteries (always important) before we head out for some fun.

Here Tayne is showing us how to use the park maps to maximize our days of fun. (And plot a route that doubled back past his favorite attractions multipule times)

We rode the rides,

Tayne and Troy climbed around and got a view of the park (Tayne's in that net somewhere, just squint and you might see him)

came down long enough to consult the mapand left Pallas to her snoozing in the sun.
We checked out the animals
see ya later, alligator (that joke never gets old when you have a photo!)and more animals!
Sea World really takes the energy right out of a person!

But it was an excellent end to 2007!

1 comment:

  1. Valerie you are so creative. Love all the picture and verything. love grandma D
