Sunday, January 20, 2008

Why Nintendo DS and Babies are awesome...

Granted, when my Christmas present from Tayne and Troy was my very own Nintendo DS, a companion to Tayne's DS, I was skeptical about how much fun I would actually have spending seemingly endless amounts of time pictochatting with Tayne, but it has turned out to be an interesting view into what a 6 year old is thinking versus what he's saying/adults are hearing. A picture may be worth a thousand words, but seeing those words in print can sometimes change everything. For example, today we found out that Pallas doesn't have a pacifier - its a "pass of fire". How much cooler is that? No wonder he thinks babies can't be defeated!

Even when she's asleep - Beware! She's sucking on a pass of fire! - Very brave and indestructable indeed...

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