Friday, March 28, 2008

Stains,Squirrels, and Perspective.

Pallas is in that stage now where I have to be an expert at removing all sorts of weird stains, it’s been coming for some time now, she’s a very involved eater - we moved from those cute little bibs to more of an all over bib, but and even when she wears the bib-blanket she manages to get her hands messy and then under the bib - sheesh! Since I’m running out of clothes I can deem "play clothes" (IE-things that are stained but would look worse if I bleached them to get the stains out) I figure I’d better step up my game when it comes to laundry or start buying baby clothes in bulk. So today the Shout was set aside (after failing me horribly on the orange-ier variety of stains) so I could audition replacements in the laundry, and because I don’t have total faith in the Zout yet, I played it safe by serving a breakfast menu of pears to a baby wearing a t-shirt in a size too large. Here’s the shirt - (in case you can’t make it out, the caption says, "My brother did it!")

And Tayne’s reaction to seeing the shirt for the first time? It never occurred to him that the shirt meant to shift blame from her onto him, instead he took it to be sort of a cheer as in -
Yay for him! He did it! Way to go! Whoo-hoo!
It must be nice to be 7 years old and to have your first assumption be that everyone is cheering for you instead of blaming you for things gone wrong.

You go Tayne!

On an unrelated note, as I was putting away the Easter stuff today I decided to make Pallas’ basket into a holder for her pacifiers and burp cloths since I can never find either when we are headed out the door. I don’t know why I didn’t think of doing it before, but I’m really pleased it occured to me before I got the baskets put away -now I can keep her towels separate from the kitchen ones and I have a place for the pacifiers to hang after they’ve been cleaned.
And on tap for the weekend? Clearing squirrels from the attic- sadly that's not a folksy way of saying something else, we really do have squirrels in our roof. I'm not sure how long they've been in there, but let's just say that bird feeder we put up after Christmas was not our best idea -what's even more annoying is that they chewed a hole from the inside so they could get out easier - so now we have to clear them out and patch/touch up the house (note the expanding foam that will have to be sanded and painted which is covering at least one of their previous entrances & where they like to play (which is just off our bedroom-sigh!)) - the fun of home ownership never ends I guess.


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