Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Fortune Cookies or Brainwashing Cookies?

Tayne loves fortune cookies so we usually give him ours. He's adamant about saving the fortunes (they have numbers on them) which he then leaves lying forgotten in random places. As I was cleaning last night I found a few he had left behind -

I'm starting to think the economy is really taking a down turn when even fortune cookies are trying to drive up sales by spouting things like this :
"You hunger for the finer things."
"Your fortune said you need to make a donation. Give it to the chef."
"You love Chinese food."
"Cooking is easy. Tasting good is hard. That's why you order takeout."
-Are these fortune cookies or propaganda? Lucky for me, Tayne is more interested in the lucky numbers than the fortunes, but all the same maybe I need to find a less suggestive dessert.

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