Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Happy Birthday Carina

I smooshed together the photos from Carina's first birthday party - here's a taste of the action...
Sadly, Carina ended up needing a nap after sorting through the huge present pile, and she missed the outdoor portion of her own party, but Tayne, Pallas and the other "kids" were more than happy to test out the slip-n-slide and kiddie pool anyway (come to think of it, I'm not so sure they even realized she wasn't there). Also, we ended up leaving before the cake, I guess seeing someone else blow out only one candle wasn't enough excitement for Tayne.

I know we are just heading into summer, but it already feels like October will be here all too soon and we'll be celebrating for Pallas (I'll definitely have to make her a little soft party hat as well, if she had a paper one she'd just end up eating it!)- it's funny how time with babies plays havoc on you - most days it feels like they've been around forever, you can't remember not accommodating them and working them into your routines but when those milestones come around you feel like they can't possibly be that old already.

Oh, and what else did we do this weekend?

Seriously, did you have to ask???


  1. Ha~ Still laughing over what else you did over the weekend! Heck, if it was in my backyard I'd be there everyday too:)

  2. I like the arrow pointing to Tayne when you look at the enlarged picture.
