Thursday, June 12, 2008

Shopping Today

No pictures tonight, but I did have an awesome shopping day
- I got gas for only $3.75/gallon - without going out of my way -
whoo-hoo! (I know, not really something to cheer about, but I'm happy I missed last weeks' spike and saved about 20 cents a gallon.) Also, in a small victory, I talked Tayne into buying new shoes and being happy about the switch! I only had to go to 2 stores to make it happen (Sneakers and dress shoes were everywhere, but heaven forbid anyone stock sandals in June...), plus I was able to find 2 more swimming suits in the correct size for him (this is the third size change this spring/summer, I think I'm firing his father from dressing room fit judge!) and he even had a choice of colors and patterns (ended up with blue and light blue). And to cap off my pre-summer spending spree we got a new ice chest/cooler for 50% off! - I am now the proud owner of a green Igloo wheelie cool -42 which, it turns out, is the perfect size for Pallas to push around the living room as a makeshift walker -she's so goofy when she finds something new to do!

Not much else going on around here - I did surprise Tayne with a picture montage/post on his blog showing photos of him doing things and photos of Troy as a child doing similar things - it came about when I was looking through the old pictures of Troy's -I was looking for something specific so I was just skimming over them, but they kept reminding me of one's we took of Tayne and when I started comparing I thought they would make a nice scrapbook, but with Pallas eating all my supplies if they are anywhere near her, I knew I wouldn't have time to put together anything nice anytime soon - so I just slapped them up for Tayne and Troy to enjoy. (Boys don't need all that fancy stuff and journaling anyway, right?)

Father's Day should be fun this year, with Pallas and Tayne working together, something fun is bound to come Troy's way (I just have to remember to bring the camera and my wallet)!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Val. Those pictures are great! I LOVE all the '80s stylin!

    Guess it's true: like father, like son.
