Tuesday, June 3, 2008

We've all caught June Bugs!.

Not more than a few days into June and it seems almost everyone and everything here is under the weather - including our main computer. Taken ill in the middle of the night, this morning it refused to do anything - so we sent it off to the repair shop and have our fingers crossed they can fix it without wiping all the data I haven't been backing up these past 5 months ( I know, shame on me!). So annoying!
On a happier note, last night Pallas finally got the hang of waving to people - she was so cute flapping her arm and smiling at me or TROY until we would say, "Oh, hi!" and wave back to her. -She was so excited about it that it took an extra hour to get her settled down to go to sleep, but fickle as kids are, today when I tried to take a video of her doing it -nothing -but to be fair, she isn't feeling great either. The camera is charged up though, so I'm bound to catch her in a good mood sooner or later!

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