Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Back home!

Even though our "hurrication" to San Antonio was fun, it's good to be back home. Luckily there was only a little damage to our yard and carport - the house, fences and even our shed held up pretty well -so it's basically just sweeping up, killing mosquitoes, and raking leaves/tree debris to get our place back to it's normal state. We did see quite a lot of damage to trees, fences and roofs as we drove into town yesterday and while driving around today- and there are traffic lights out randomly pretty much everywhere (but at least most of the homes and businesses have power, so nobody is really questioning the electric company's priorities) it just takes some planning and extra time for the 4-way stops. Overall things are getting back to normalish (which is normal except for the lack of fresh carrots in the grocery stores -why doesn't anyone have fresh carrots???) I'd like to think we were pretty smart and that's why we came through the storm so well off (after all we before we bought we researched the flood and storm surge maps, and had the place inspected so that it met windstorm standards, etc. etc.) but the truth is we were just really lucky & luckier still some of the bananas were ripe enough to keep even though the plants themselves had to be cut back or down - so there's hope for banana bread soon, but carrot cake it seems is a no-go, at least for the time being.
*FYI - I'll try to add some cool storm damage pictures later, today we were just settling back in so I didn't get a chance to take many yet. Sadly, there will be plenty to photograph around here for quite a while, Ike was quite a storm...


  1. Welcome home! Glad you are back. No carrots... Interesting~ How did the YMCA fair??

  2. I'm glad you guys were safe and your house came out unscathed!! I'm sure that was a big relief...Hope all is well!! Tell you Mom hi for me if you get a chance!! :)
