Monday, September 1, 2008

Summer wrap-up...

Well, since we didn't have to flee a hurricane at the tail end of this Labor Day weekend, and seeing how we previously canceled our other plans for the long weekend, I guess this is a good a time as any to catch up on what these kids have been doing with their summer.

The 4th was too dry for fireworks (at home) which was ok, because dry weather equals less summer mosquitoes - and there's always glo-sticks!
probably safer for Pallas anyway...
And there were professional fireworks put on in the local park. Ah, memories...

Cindy, Everett, and Oakley came for a visit - and what visit would be complete without a trip to Space Center Houston?!?
We didn't travel at all this month. Pallas entered that jabber-walky stage, not quite talking/but adding her jabbers to the conversation and not quite walking/but more step-step-dive. (*Sept. update - She's really getting better at the walking, she can take 3 or 4 steps, so maybe she'll be getting around on her feet by her birthday next month)
Tayne's room got a bit of a makeover - a new computer desk (that doesn't wobble when you bump it or turn on the fan, or look at it funny...) and a new computer chair (his old chair had to replace a bench from the living room that Pallas' jabberwalking kept tipping over on top of her and somehow I didn't think a straight trade, bench for chair, would be the way to go. -Look at this kid, would you trust him with a bench???) And last but not least, Troy. No, he did not run away to join the circus, the Space Center had an interactive exhibit with all sorts of crazy stunt stuff - I guess the trapeze swing was calling to him, it's debatable whether he knew we were getting this on video....

That's pretty much it for our summer - now it's back to school work, and building the new BBQ grill that was my "birthday present"/ "for hurricane preparedness" (if the power goes out you have to cook somehow right???)

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    that is so cute and I have missed your blog but busy mom's have only so much time.
