Friday, October 3, 2008

You can tell its October when...

Here's a picture of the funeral park we often drive by on the way home & the description from their website -

"Forest Park East Funeral Home and Cemetery has been a part of the Webster community since its founding in 1951 by the Eubanks family. Conveniently located adjacent to the cemetery grounds, our funeral home offers a large cathedral-type chapel replete with beautiful stained glass. Situated on approximately 143 acres, our cemetery boasts stately oak and pecan trees on meticulously maintained grounds that provide a quiet and picturesque park-like setting in which to honor the memory of your loved one."

-and what does Tayne ask as we are driving by the other day (after buying his Halloween costume no less)?

Tayne: "Is that a bone yard?"
Me: "A what!?"
Tayne: "A bone yard, where the RIPs are staying."
Me: "Oh, um I think the preferred term is cemetery, and by the way, are they running Spongebob Halloween cartoons On Demand already?" - (thinking "Thanks a lot Comcast!")
On the upside, Tayne found a Halloween costume he loves, and I've set a new record for getting the Halloween costumes for the kids squared away!
** No, I won't tell you what the costumes are - you'll have to be surprised on Halloween!**