Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Pay your Taxes ALREADY!

Ah, what an exciting afternoon - beautiful weather so I decided to take the kids to the park - well, it turned out that was the park they were having the Clear Lake "Tea Party" - I thought, "Oh well, it's a big park and the kids will probably be tired by the time this thing gets going so we'll just stay" - It was a great day park wise, Pallas has mastered the little slides, she can go down all by herself as long as you get her sitting down first (the "toddler" play space was killing me - everything was on criss -cross sides so if I helped her onto something I practically had to be on the other side so she didn't plunge down a slide, or if I was on the side with the slide there was a big opening for her to leap out of - sheesh!) ANd Tayne had other kids to play with so he could put up with me just kind of waving at him while saving his sister from walking off this or that... it wasn't until we were ready to start heading back to the parking lot that Tayne saw the party setting up -
Tayne : (while still far away and out of earshot) THat's crazy, why is there a party?
Me : Well, those people are having a party to tell the government they don't like how their tax money is being spent.
Tayne : (yelling) We don't want your party!
Me : Oh, don't say that!
Tayne : I was just electing not to participate
Me : That's fine, but maybe you should say that or just keep it to yourself and show them (you don't want to go to their party) by just walking to the car.
Tayne : ok
Tayne : (as we are practically walking through the party set-up and just after refusing a tiny American flag from some kind older woman) Attention everybody, attention - this is not the 4th of July, it's April 15th -go pay your taxes already! Sheesh!
Me : Uh, no - he didn't mean... um, he's just...oh well, you know freedom of speech goes both ways. And have a lovely party!

I hope they enjoy their protest, and I hope they've all paid their taxes (because if they haven't, they've been warned!)

1 comment:

  1. That is so funny! I saw the "tax party" last night and had to look up on the internet what was going on.
