Thanksgiving travel was pretty enjoyable for all this year - here are some of the highlights of Pallas & Tayne's lessons learned from the road:
Waiting for a Thanksgiving dinner isn't nearly as hard as waiting for your sister to be old enough to warrant a kid's table.

It's easier to steal a snack if someone else distracts Grandma.

The Nintendo DS is not only a fun distraction; it can shield you from the paparazzi.

Shopping the post-thanksgiving sales early in the morning isn't so bad if you bring home something great like a cozy new blanket.

Listening to holiday music can give you all sorts of good ideas like "Rockin' around the Christmas Tree."
Baby sisters and their Dads need lots of sleep; travel is exhausting for some people.
It was a busy but wonderful holiday, I for one can't wait for what the rest of the holiday season has to bring!
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