I'm starting to see that raising girls (and understanding their priorities) is a bit different from boys...
Like for instance, how does a 3 month old become bored with all her toys? Bored! I mean, she hasn't even been able to grasp the stuff or even hit it when she swings for more than a month -tops, and what does the future hold if she's that fickle already? For lack of a better fall guy I'm going to blame my infant toy troubles on the new YMCA - darn you and your new high quality facilities!!! Since my first tour I thought I would love our new YMCA, so clean and modern - such fabulous child care facilities, but now that I actually take my 3 month old there - I’m not so sure… Ok, I realize that being around all those other snotty little under 3’s, Pallas is bound to pick up a cold or two (and she’s sick right now as a matter of fact), but what I did not realize is that she would love their fabulous decor -and consequently start to become disillusioned with ours.
Alseep and dreaming of better stuff, sadly this one doesn't quite capture her recently aquired contempt and loathing for the current collection of toys.
I knew she was becoming a bit bored with our current setup here recently, but it wasn’t until we were shopping today and we stopped to look at a Fisher Price Rainforest themed booster seat (a little pre-mature granted, but I have to plan ahead for these things) and she was nothing but grins and giggles. Huh! That’s when it struck me, they have the whole baby area over at the YMCA done in Fisher Price Rainforest themed stuff, and apparently that is now what Pallas prefers. Granted, our stuff is a lot more "swamp" than rainforest; we have bugs instead of parrots, and harmless green frogs with big goofy eyes instead of poisonous tree frogs pretending to be harmless and cute (seriously Fisher Price, who decided that would be a good animal for babies to love -one lick on a real tree frog and, well… Ack! Thump! Dead! -then where’s your customer base?!?). When we got home I decided we would try to appease her with the still- to-big-for- her tropical bouncer with its many rainforest like animals. Since it seemed similar enough to what we saw in the store I thought it might be passable enough to fool a 3 month old.
Fisher Price toy we looked at today -
Our "tropics version" -

-WAIT! Is that a gator!?!

I think she's skeptical, but hopefully she'll be willing to humor us by playing with this "off brand" alternative.
If nothing else at least Tayne thinks its cool. Ah, here he's thinking, "So much in love with shiny new toys, why? -This stuff still looks pretty good to me..."
Oh well, I guess I'm just going to have to get used to the idea that they are going to be very different from each other, and the fact that mothers learn something new every day...
Like for instance, how does a 3 month old become bored with all her toys? Bored! I mean, she hasn't even been able to grasp the stuff or even hit it when she swings for more than a month -tops, and what does the future hold if she's that fickle already? For lack of a better fall guy I'm going to blame my infant toy troubles on the new YMCA - darn you and your new high quality facilities!!! Since my first tour I thought I would love our new YMCA, so clean and modern - such fabulous child care facilities, but now that I actually take my 3 month old there - I’m not so sure… Ok, I realize that being around all those other snotty little under 3’s, Pallas is bound to pick up a cold or two (and she’s sick right now as a matter of fact), but what I did not realize is that she would love their fabulous decor -and consequently start to become disillusioned with ours.
Alseep and dreaming of better stuff, sadly this one doesn't quite capture her recently aquired contempt and loathing for the current collection of toys.
Fisher Price toy we looked at today -

Our "tropics version" -

-WAIT! Is that a gator!?!

I think she's skeptical, but hopefully she'll be willing to humor us by playing with this "off brand" alternative.

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