I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter weekend. Here's some pictures from our weekend (sorry grandma - this is as condensed as I could get it! )
We colored eggs. (I let
Pallas inspect each of mine - and her breakage record (eggs broken: 0) is better than mine or Troy's - I broke 1 before we even started boiling them (I swear it just jumped up out of the carton and onto the floor!) and Troy broke at least 2 when we were coloring them (he swears he was just holding them - must not know his own strength -ha,ha,ha!)

Easter baskets were filled with fun -although I think the entertainment value for
Pallas was greatly increased by the people presenting (for Grandma and Grandpa that plastic chicken got great chuckles of laughter, when I squeeze it she just looks at me like it's the stupidest thing I've yet to offer her).

Eggs were everywhere (see
Tayne shaking it to determine if the contents could be
moolah -which would elicit a smile an the declaration, "Yes!
Moolah!" - or merely candy -the disappointment at finding "Candy - (
dramatically sad sigh)." was tempered only by the sheer number of eggs and the possibility that the next one would again have that tell-tell rattle of cold hard cash!)

Tayne and
Pallas are looking over their findings
Tayne thought they should be divided this way - *of course those generously placed in front of
Pallas contain candy and not
moolah )

Pallas felt this was a better distribution, as long as she also gets that blue egg too...)

We played some outdoor games (This one consisted of waiting for plastic bunnies and eggs to spring up at which time you catch them in a little basket -they figured out if you wet the suction cups first they would take longer to pop up giving a better chance to net them)

Or if you are little like
Pallas you don't worry about waiting for them to pop, you just grab them while everyone else is distracted.

Here's the group shot of those with Easter Hats -
Pallas' bonnet was still a bit big so she swapped it out for her puppy jacket (with the cute puppy face hood) which made people think she was wearing a bunny costume - Who would have thought the only jacket that fits her would be so perfect for the season?

There were games to be played at the Easter celebration as well - we'll call the theme of these next 4
picts "Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better"...
Tayne: Hula Hoop?

Troy: Why yes I do, just a little...
Tayne: Jump rope?

Troy: That's nothing, check me out! (ouch?)
Pallas decided to stay out of the fray - this picture was all snuggle, no bunny (jacket ears not visible)

I don't know what
Tayne was more excited about here -getting to play with the animals in the petting zoo, or the fact he made it through the line and inside for his turn before the egg hunt started...

Here's the shot of the Easter Egg Scramble (it's not really a hunt when the eggs are just laying on the ground) - he got that far away, picking up eggs as he went of course, before I realized I wasn't taking pictures.

After all the outdoor fun, we decided to walk through the aquarium...

Here they are in a penguin line-up...

After all the fun we drove home and had a nice dinner, which everyone was really still too full to eat after brunch, and reflected on the day. Now I just have to figure out what to do with all those hard boiled eggs since our guests left early this morning without eating any breakfast and
Pallas is too little to have them, and
Tayne classifies them as a "yuck food."