~ A baby is sunshine and moonbeams and more, brightening your world as never before. ~Some friends of ours had their first baby this week. In the pictures she looks so perfect! Squishy big cheeks, lots of fluffy hair, and so tiny -

(Ok, so an 8lb. 21 in baby isn’t exactly tiny, but when I look at my little baby, who’s getting pretty hefty these days, 8lbs is tiny) - when I was looking at the pictures I couldn’t help thinking about how fast they change -

Pallas has only been around 5 months, and some days I can’t believe the chubby ball of mischief she’s becoming compared to the sweet little sleeping thing we brought home last October. To illustrate my point: This was taken Monday (She got there after being placed on the black blanket to play while I went to help Tayne in the other room -2 minutes later this is were we found her happy as can be)
And Tuesday, in an attempt to accesorize her outfit, she rolled herself into this belt while I was in the kitchen fixing lunches.
Yes, yes - you look much more fashionable now! (Sheesh!)
Even when they are full of mischief, and loudness, little girls are always a pleasure! So welcome to the world Katherine Renee Owens -

I'm sure your parents are in for more trouble and joy than they realize!
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