It's been a sluggish week, but I think we are ready for a great Easter weekend. This morning when Tayne got up he was so excited because the calendar said it was Good Friday - he wasn't sure what that meant, but since they had labled it special on all our calendars he thought it must be something pretty great. He might have been a little disappointed in our morning, but with the arrival of Troy's parents this afternoon I think he perked up. I hope to get a lot of cute picts. of the kids this Easter - with Pallas sitting up by herself and interested in whatever someone else has I think it should be a fun one. I'll leave it with a series of attempts at a group photo on the couch. ( I never got everyone looking my way, but with the egg in his hair what would I have done with a "nice one" if I did snap it?) The collection gives you a sort of stop motion look into the deterimation of a baby sister when there are Easter baskets about ~
Chicken or egg? -In our house the chickens came first...

Then the egg in Tayne's hair?

One down,

5 more to get...

-Easter morning should be fun (as long as we all guard our baskets from Little Miss Grabby!)
Good for you! I love easter. I might love you, Pinkmomma.
Thanks Tayne :)
Good job for creating a blog post. You've been taken pictures & sent them to ____What's with these kids?!.
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