There's nothing like your
internet connection being down for 24+ hours for making you want to write a blog, which is something I haven't done a lot of lately. It's not for lack of excitement or
photographable activities - this week
Pallas had her first real lunch complete with cup of water and crackers in addition to baby food.

Yum, yum, yummy!

See the bit of cracker in her hair? That was probably the cutest place it ended up, after eating we needed a trip to
Wal-Mart to stock up on floor tarps - ah the joys of giving someone with limited motor control crumbly food (which will be placed in the mouth, become gummy and gross and end up back outside the mouth to end up all over the baby, the tray, and basically everywhere). I am so looking forward to watching her eat more solid food *sigh!*

Also, I suppose my time for computer using and blogging has slowed because things have been a little hectic here as I switch over to "mobile baby" mode. I've had to step up my floor cleaning schedule, although you wouldn't know it if you came over because now its not just the living room/play area floor constantly covered in little baby friendly bits (small non choke-ables) they've migrated to all parts of the house - where the wall meets the floor down the hall, next to the entrances of various rooms, etc. and while I make sure they are clean I pretty much leave them scattered as bait to slow her down so she doesn't get too far or in too much trouble when she wanders after us. I don't know why she's in such a hurry to grow up, but it's cute to see her enjoying herself so we try to let her have (supervised) free roaming
privileges as much as possible. Although since she doesn't like to nap for very long I do get a bit paranoid about letting her out of my sight when I have to do something that takes my attention away from her for very long, so we've set up the Pack n' Play -which, as it turns out, is roomy enough for two ( as you can see she's so thrilled about sharing).

- and this by the way, is why you don't let a 7 year
old babysit...

See you later, sucker!

Yes, it's a good thing the
internet is working here again, because I know these are the type of things you just need to hear from us every week -
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