The weather was too nice yesterday afternoon not to go outside so we went to one of the parks we haven't been to very often since we moved from the apartments to our house - and boy-howdy have they been busy updating it!
Ok, so the stuff in that first picture wasn't new, but these big sun tarps (screens I guess would be a better term?) over all the play areas are!
Ok, so it doesn't look like they are doing much for sun coverage in this picture, but they are really more for mid-day sun not 6pm sun, and hopefully they will help keep the play structures and slides cool this summer.

In addition to the new sun shades, they completely replaced one of the child
playscapes - the new one is all fancy and space themed, although I'm not sure why they would want to replace the old one where hornets and bees would nest in the tube slides and canopy - how will unsuspecting park-goers find out their children have horrible bee sting allergies now?

When we got there we realized why we didn't go there more often - all the play areas are surrounded by seas of mini-pebbles.
Pallas was very miffed that she wasn't allowed to inspect the pebbles any closer (a privilege she lost after trying to eat as many pebbles as she could get her hands on).

Mini-pebbles and sandals don't mix.
Tayne found some kids to throw a football around with - you can
gauge my faith in his skill level by where
Pallas and I are sitting in the grass to watch the action.
Tayne even took
Pallas down a few slides. He's such a good big brother, even when he has to wait for a baby and listen to the safety lecture about sliding with babies before going down he actually was willing to slide with her more than once. You can check out his
videos of them sliding together over on his blog.
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