Busy week, but then aren't they always. It was also a fun one when I look back over it- but very hectic when I was living it. I think I need to get more organized. Anyway,
Tayne lost a baby tooth this week. When it was loose it really bothered him to eat solid food but when he saw me with a handful of
Oreos he asked to have one, and by the time it was gone so was his tooth. (Sorry
toothfairy, another one got away without you collecting it!)
Pallas is such a drama queen - she's pretty good at crawling now - she's pretty fast at chasing me down when I leave her to play so I can do something else (translation nothing much that she can't be a part of gets done these days without her complaining loudly about being left out - and tugging at your leg). But she's still such a fun little chick I suppose I can suffer through until she gets old enough to either really help me or lose interest in helping and supervising everything that goes on in our house. Here are some funny model shots Troy took in the car the other day - the plaid in the corner of the pictures is me driving, I know it's nice to see photos of me in here isn't it!

After the first one she decided to really get into it -

Somebody either really loves her daddy or the camera...
Ok, fun's over - time to tighten that seat belt and head off to a world of errands - this may look like a cute stick your
tongue out shot, but I think she's gonna blow a raspberry instead.

Yep, it was time to put the camera away and clean the lens when we got home. Ah babies, such fun! And just when I think the older ones are easier they come with their troubles too! - The tooth may be out and he can eat again, but what to do about compensation from the toothfairy when you have nothing to trade for???