Because Tayne made me take them, and because they show the excitement and fun of the family pool I've included a couple of my seriously armature videos of our trip.
Perhaps the excitement was too much for Pallas. She fell asleep like this and wouldn't be moved into (what I thought) a more comfortable position. To each his or her own I guess.
Ok -as you can see, I need to practice taking movies, but I wanted to include this one because I don't think I have any pictures of the other side (non bucket side?) of the big play structure. This really is a neat pool and I'm sure you'll be seeing more pictures and movies of it as the summer progresses.
Your kids are so cute. I can't believe how time flies. Last time I saw Tayne, I believe he was only a baby. I love looking at your blog. Even though I don't comment very often, I still like looking at it. Hope life is treating you well. Take care. Tell Aunt Dee hi for me!
Cousin Stefanie
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