We usually give him a suprise at the end of the season for working so hard, this time I made him a stuffed animal out of an extra swim team t-shirt.
I guess if I had to say exactly what animal it is I'm thinking koala. It was kind of tricky to get all the graphics where I wanted them - his ear is tagged with the small logo from the front of the shirt and he had to have quite a wide tummy to get the whole graphic on there (it just didn't look right any other way I could think of), but I think it turned out pretty cute. At least he should be a good size to bring along for napping since we have to get such an early start to be to these places on time.
Today was the transition for us from spring to summer water sports -less structure and more family free swim and play -which is good because I think Pallas will be happy to finally get in on the fun. It's too early to tell if she wants to be a swimmer too, but one things for sure - she doesn't like being left out of the action!
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