Ok, I realized that there wasn't one picture of me on this whole picture filled thing! So here I am - the baby is looking away because Tayne had been flashing us with the camera and I didn't want her to get upset. Things here are going well, but busy - I had a bit of a cold the end of last week and over the weekend, but I'm on the mend now & luckily Pallas didn't get very sick -she was a little fussy, and I suspect she and Tayne are the ones who gave the cold to me, but they weren't too affected by it so I won't complain too much. Since I haven't done much this week and the picture is me this time, I thought I'd blog some little know holiday facts about me.
Tammy sent me this stupid chain email where you fill in the blanks and send it around to other people that you want to hate you, well in my delirious sickness I actually filled it in over the weekend -so I thought what better place to share it than here :
Welcome to the Holiday Season edition of getting to know your friends. Okay, here's what you're supposed to do, and try not to be a SCROOGE!!! Change all the answers so that they apply to you. Then send this to a whole bunch of people you know, INCLUDING the person that sent it to you... 'Tis the Season to be NICE!
1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? I love going old school- Wrapping paper,and lots of scotch tape - my wrapped gifts are probably 35-40% tape,not counting the sticky stuff on the back of the multipule bows I slap on for good measure and to cover the tape that makes it to the top of the package where tape shouldn't be -all of which is why I usually use gift bags the rest of the year...
2. Real tree or artificial? I love real trees, that's one thing east Texas has going for it -love those pine trees, although Tayne won't let me plant one in our yard because he's scared of falling pinecones.For decorating, fake -low matinance,bug/sap free, and I can turn the decorative lights on throughout the season without having to deal with the irrational though it may be, fear of a dry tree catching fire from a warm light and sending CHristmas up in flames; as a compromise though, the bulk of my filler ornaments are pinecones (no pine scent though, it seems Tayne is not a fan of that either).
3. when do you put up the decorations? Tree- As our new tradition, weekend before Thanksgiving. Since we travel for the holidays, if it's not up before we leave on the Thanksgiving trip we can't do it until the weekend after we get back; which would be ok if the kids hadn't seen me put up Grandpa Terry's tree on Thanksgiving weekend and want to know why I don't want to put our tree up the minute we walk in our door late Sunday evening after driving 5 plus hours home and even though we still have to get everything from the car into the house and everything in the house ready for Monday ... so, instead of having to explain why I'm not the enemy of Christmas while unpacking from our trip, we put the tree up early. Lights and outdoor decorations wait until the first weekend in December.
4. When do you take the tree down? New Years Day- down with the tree, up with new calendars.
5. Do you like eggnog? Taste, no (blech!) but I like the idea of it, it's very seasonal/limited time only so it's one of those things you associate with the holidays whether or not you like or use it.
6. Favorite gift received as a child? I've been racking my brain on this one, and nothing really sticks out, though I'm sure at the time whatever I asked for was deathly important...I think I'll leave it at that, because the only other thing that comes to mind is from a gift exchange party we had in high school -there was a $5 limit (yes, I know I'm dating myself -$5 went alot further back then...) and I ended up getting a Vanilla Ice cassette single of "Ice, Ice, Baby", one of those bags of Brachs peppermints from the grocery store, and a recipt showing he had spent the required $5 (actually it rang up to $4 and something, but he included the change in the bottom of the store bag it came "wrapped" in (if you call tying the top of the bag in a knot wrapping) -I know it seems like a bad gift, but I found the apathy and grudging participation in the mandatory gift exchange funny, and the best revenge was playing that stupid tape everytime my friend rode in my car-"All right stop collaborate and listen, Ice is back with my brand new invention, Something grabs a hold of me tightly,Flow like a harpoon daily and nightly Will it ever stop yo I don't know ..." (probably not)
7. Do you have a nativity scene? Hummm, uh isn't that the the whole point of the holiday? I'm always confused by those people who want to turn Christmas into something secular, I figure the jokes on them though; they may take away the symbols of the holiday, but the meaning of the season is everywhere and they can't help be affected by that.
8. Hardest person to buy for? MY husband, actually he's easy to buy for, but really hard to keep a gift hidden from - he swears he doesn't go looking for them, but I don't remember a Christmas when he didn't know what I was giving him before Dec. 25th...
9. Easiest person to buy for? Someone with a list. -PS none of you have given me a list...
10. Worst Christmas gift ever received? I wouldn't say it was bad, probably more funny/horrifying at the time - one year when I was around 6 or 7 I got this doll that had makeup that you put on her and was supposed to wash off so you could put it on her again later, well the bright reddish orange lipstick stained her lips the first time I put it on and wouldn't wash off with anything - I was so disappointed that her face was ruined pretty much after the first time I played with her that I was really annoyed that whole day - also, to this day I'm leery of red lipstick...I guess that qualifies as a pretty bad gift.
11. Mail or email Christmas cards? hummm, I didn't know email was an option, do people really do that?
12. Favorite Christmas Movie? Does Dr. Suess' "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" (the 1968 cartoon,not that awful Jim Carry version) qualify as a movie? Well, I'm going to count it anyway.
13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? November.
14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Hard question to answer; I don't re-gift, and I never return presents to the store - I always feel like if someone went to the trouble of selecting a gift for me they either thought I'd like it, use it, or that my life in general would be better in some small way for being the owner of such an object, and I respect that - on the other hand, I'm not much of a packrat - if there's something in my house that I'm not using or planning on using it's probably going to get passed on to someone who could get more use out of it - local shelters and charities are great at connecting things with people who really need them.
15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Fruitcake.
16. Clear lights or colored on the tree? As colored and blinky as they come - I like my trees exciting.
17. Favorite Christmas song? "Feliz Navidad", although "Ice Ice Baby" is a close second...
18. Travel for Christmas or stay at home? Travel, travel and more travel- For me the ultimate excitement of the holidays isn't the opening of gifts or seeing loved ones, it's that last 10-15 min. of the drive home after being out of town for a week or two and the wondering just what you'll be coming home to - Did the house burn down? Were we robbed and the neighbors either didn't notice, didn't care, or were in on it? Will field mice yet again have made their way into the house, thereby necessitating a midnight run to the store for glue traps?...(as you can imagine the list of questions goes on - to think, as a child I never knew the holidays could be such a time of wonderment for adutls too!)
19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeers? That's a dumb question, of course I know, I have kids - kids always quiz you on that stuff...that and Pokemon; personally I'm happy when December rolls around and there focus turns to learning everything they can from me about reindeer, instead of Pokemon which I know verry little about and would prefer to keep it that way.
20. Angel on the tree top or a star? Star.
21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? One each on Christmas eve, usually something from the person who lives farthest away or who can't be with us -it gives us a chance to think about them, and it's a good tie in to the real 'reason for the season' (after all, wasn't Jesus the the first and best gift from someone who couldn't be here...) so Christmas Eve can have some balance between anticipating those gifts and Santa & remebering what Christmas means.
22. Most annoying thing about this time of year? That it's 80 degrees outside -peppermint just doesn't taste right in mild weather, and no matter how many "holiday" shakes fast food places come up with, they'll never convince me otherwise.
23. What I love most about Christmas? Assuming you me other than Jesus,it has to be the whole gifts/giving process - the anticipation of what you want, he surprize of getting something unexpected, the fun of buying something special for other people, the excitement on a child's face when they get something they really want,and the way you feel when you give to those who have a greater need for not just frivolus gifts, but basics like clothes,blankets,food, etc. - It's just a great time to remind yourself and involve kids in thanking/appreciating those people who work for or with you, expressing your feelings toward family and friends with thoughtful gestures, and realizing there are people all around you who need so little to be happy -it makes your thankful that whatever you have, you really have so much more than you actually need, and it reminds you no matter how insignificant a gift might be, to the right person it's the whole world.
24. Favorite Television Christmas show? A Charlie Brown Christmas - What's not to love!?! It's got dancing, a sad tree, Linus telling the Christmas story- all rolled into a mere 30min. with commercial breaks...That's what Christmas is all about Charlie Brown!
There, now you know more than you wanted to about me and the holidays, don't worry this weekend coming up has lots of holiday stuff going on, we'll be back to more cute stories and pictures of the kids, I promise... :)