Well,still no camera - it turns out Christmas is a difficult time to actually buy a camera - it seems the ones I like are pretty popular because every store I tried to buy one in was sold out of what I wanted. I'm sad to say I did fall for a poor recommendation from a sales guy and bought and tested a Samsung L730 - that was a horrible camera, so it went back the next morning. I guess that will teach me to wait and buy what I really want next time, hopefully I can find it before Christmas.
The exciting news this weekend - Tayne finally decide it was time to buy a bicycle!

It's probably a bit small for him, but we wanted something that he could easily get on and off and manage at least while he's learning to ride (hopefully that will minimize the falls) & he really seems to like it so far - sometimes it's a bit of scramble to grab Pallas and my stuff before he gets the bike out of the house for a ride, but I love all the exercise I'm getting walking around with him while he rides. Oh, and by the way -he looks so adorable riding it!! And, it's small enough that we can bring it to the Grandma's houses for Christmas so he can ride there as well, so we'll have some confirmation of that opinion soon. It would have been a Christmas gift, but he decided rather spur of the moment that he would like a bike, and since it's taken us forever to get him to even consider it we decided we had to induldge him a little so he wouldn't lose enthusiasm for trying it between now and Christmas. It made for a few surreal moments this weekend though - The four of us making our way through around the block, Tayne riding his little red bike, Troy and I walking along either carrying the baby or pushing the stroller - I see families doing this all the time & think they are so cute, but I never really pictured us doing that, so to actually be that family was a little strange. I guess now there's 4 of us I'm going to have get used to the idea of us as a little family doing family things instead of us just doing things and bringing Tayne along or us going along with what Tayne wanted to to do. -Norman Rockwell, eat your heart out!
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