Last night we took the kids to the drive through Bethlehem City a local church puts on every year - it's a pretty fun to see they have a little village set up with merchant stalls, a tax collectors office, the inn with live animals outback (they have the most gorgeous donkeys every year) and the manger area all in about a 200ft stretch and they direct traffic around either side. It was around 8pm at night but it was still unbelievably hot and muggy, but the people of the city didn't seem to mind much - they were probably enjoying it because those costumes didn't look very warm (which is probably why most Christmas pagents are held inside). On the drive home I got to thinking about last year when we went to the same event and the weather was really cold and rainy; the actors looked pretty gloomy that year, and I'm pretty sure the manger area had a space heater...naturally, my thoughts turned to wondering what the weather is like in the real Bethlehem (West Bank) this time of year, and since my bringing up probably makes you wonder too -

turns out for next week at least, it's highs in the 60's lows in the 40's - So there's your little tidbit for the week to keep that holiday spirit up! Mine is getting there...
On the commercial side of stoking holiday spirit this week,

I bought one of those little holiday balls from Jack In the Box - he's been busy making the rounds in our photos...

He does seem to add a festive touch - with that little string of lights wrapped around his head and tinsel in wrapped around his neck, it reminds me of how I looked putting up the outdoor Christmas lights.
Lucky for me there's no photos of that...
I can't believe it's hotter in Alabama and Texas than it is in the Holy Land. Gotta love being able to wear short sleeves in December. With enough Christmas lights anything can feel cold and festive:)
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