A Merry Christmas to All!
Well Christmas at Grandma Sharon & Grandpa Dan's is winding down - time goes too fast on visits, and this one was no exception. The kids had an especially fun time - Tayne got to help with some baking & decorating
and Pallas got a lot of lap time with Grandma.
This year Tayne got to hand out the presents - it's funny how many with his name ended up getting handed out first (wink,wink)
but Pallas managed to get a few things
and I think Grandma and Grandpa win "best gift" according to Tayne and his new Baby Alive - she's toted as "the baby so real" so here's a side by side comparison - Which one is Pallas? Which one is Baby Alive? And can you tell Tayne loves them both?
Everyone had a wonderful time (ok, Pallas looks a little annoyed in this one, but 4/5 are smiling and majority rules)Well Christmas at Grandma Sharon & Grandpa Dan's is winding down - time goes too fast on visits, and this one was no exception. The kids had an especially fun time - Tayne got to help with some baking & decorating
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