Tayne was excited

1. Tayne comes home from and outing with Troy & sees Pallas' outfit - "Oooh, Pallas you're dressed like a Parade!"
2.Tayne has to eat dinner before we go - the rest of us get to see "fast eating," which as far as I could tell was the same speed as any other eating, but with the addition of Tayne telling us, "I'm not ready to go, but this is fast eating."
3. We go to see Santa - Tayne, "Which one is Santa?" Troy, "He's the one sitting in the chair by the tree." Tayne (looking at a tray with like 100 cookies left on it and a family of 3 each taking one cookie), "Hey, those people are eating all my cookies." Val, "The cookies are for after Santa, get back in line."
4. We make it to see Santa - Tayne hugs Santa. Santa & kids pose for a picture. Santa to Tayne, "What do you want for Christmas?" Tayne, "Presents."
Waiting for a Thanksgiving dinner isn't nearly as hard as waiting for your sister to be old enough to warrant a kid's table.
Baby sisters and their Dads need lots of sleep; travel is exhausting for some people.
It was a busy but wonderful holiday, I for one can't wait for what the rest of the holiday season has to bring!
We'll start off with a drink :
Slender Quenchers -These are the saddest diet beverages ever.
The one on the right is skim milk and orange pulp. The one on the left is made with water, sherry extract, and two beef bouillon cubes.
No, really. Well, there's also celery in it. Oh, and SELF-LOATHING.
Then on to your choice of snack :Polynesian Snack - Would you like Polynesian Snack? With beautiful flower?
Where is fork? Is Snack for to eat with hand? You like canned bean sprout? And buttermilk? And pimiento? And fruit piece? Mix all together? No? Oh. Maybe Snack is not for you.
Hot Wrap Ups -it's not easy being green; There's lettuce. There's pickles. There's capers. There's lime. There's parsley. There's celery inside. Chives, too. It's green. All green. No other guiding culinary principle except... green. It's a meal! It's an obsessive disorder! It's both!
Moving on to the fish course:Snappy Mackerel Casserole- Well, as adjectives for mackerel go, you could do worse than "snappy." Snappy! So snappy you need three glasses of cranberry juice to wash it down! So snappy they've placed it in a special roped-off area! Don't get too close to the casserole! 'Cause it'll SNAP at ya! Ha! Ha! SNAPPY!
Fluffy Mackerel Pudding- Once upon a time the world was young and the words "mackerel" and "pudding" existed far, far away from one another. One day, that all changed. And then, whoever was responsible somehow thought the word fluffy would help. Oh, and eggs, too.
Fish "Tacos"- "Tortillas?" What are those? Mexican food is easy to make! All you need is toast and quotation marks! I so do not understand the props here.
As for the entrees:
Chicken Liver Bake- Enjoy it with the ashes of a loved one. Or maybe what's left of the chickens are in that urn. Maybe the chickens were your loved ones. But chickens never love back enough. And that's why you have to KILL them. And eat their livers ritualistically. And then they're a part of you forever. Forever.
Frankfurter Spectacular- I had no idea frankfurters could be so spectacular. Wow!
I would almost be willing to upholster a whole pineapple with pork product just to be able to say I was serving Frankfurter Spectacular. Say it with me: Frankfurter! Spectacular! Why would you even want to eat this? Why, when you could keep your mouth busy for hours just by repeating the life-affirming phrase that is "Frankfurter Spectacular."
and for a vegetarian option:
Snacks on a Stick - My guess is they tried being consistent with the plural at first, and then decided that SNACKS ON STICKS sounded too disturbing. Like Apocalypse Now food or something. This is frozen coffee, people. Yeah, it almost sounds kind of good, until you freeze a whole bunch and take them out and look at them and hit a few of them together and hear them go thunk thunk, and say, "oh forget this," and drop the whole tray on the floor in disgust.
And special thanks to Wendy McClure for the cards and descriptions -too funny!
The holidays are coming soon, just how soon Tayne is fond of telling me every time we go into Wal-Mart where they have started keeping a countdown of “shopping days till Christmas” and if that’s not your cup of tea, they also have a sign proclaiming the number of days “till flexible spending benefits expire” – hum, maybe I should get new glasses… But the real dilemma is those pesky holiday family photos we will have to pose for soon and what to do with Pallas’ hair?! It’s cute she has some, and it’s fun to play with, but it’s not really in a good spot to add bows or ribbons, and bows or ribbons to the side only draw attention to the fact there is a weird stripe of hair smack in the middle of her head. I’m sure we’ll resolve the dilemma with a cute hat (ah, sweet damage control – the hat covers all…) but that still leaves the question of just exactly what kind of a look is Pallas, or nature going for here if we left things alone? Sometimes she looks like she’s going for a 1980’s big hair thing –sort of Vanna White in her letter turning heyday; but other times we wonder if she’s going for a peacock thing –just the bit on top, and she really has the sound ( http://encarta.msn.com/media_461538253/Peacock.html ) down pretty well for never having heard one (at least to my knowledge). We’ve decided to put together a composite photo so you can decide for yourself – enjoy that hair fluff while you can, we’ll probably try to cover it up or minimize it in future photos -I’m sure she’ll thank us for that when she gets older!