Pallas has been trying baby foods for a few weeks now and she seems to be happy with this new development.

It’s been a new experience for me too since I decided to make baby food for her instead of buying all those jars . I’ve armed myself with some new supplies (believe it or not, I actually didn’t have any ice cube trays to freeze the food in. I guess they aren’t big sellers either because when I went to Wal-Mart to buy them I had to ask where to find them, and when we did find them they were covered in a layer of dust), and I was pleased to discover that it’s really not much of a hassle to fix the food for a baby - they like things like overcooked carrots and potatoes or a boiled or baked apples and pears -so it pretty well suits my cooking style of starting the pot, then promptly forgetting about it until someone walks into the kitchen and says, "Hey - what’s this cooking?" And because they like things soft and runny at first, my blender is seeing the most action it’s had since last Cinco De Mayo (
Banana Colada anyone?)

I am a little disturbed however about the fact I seem to be obsessed with checking the recipes before working with each new single flavor food - after all there’s no seasoning involved and pretty much every recipe reads the same (wash, cut, boil or steam 8-10 minutes, puree…) but I keep checking my book anyway - I’ve even checked the internet for second opinions, to make sure I’m using the best recipe I guess, but after finding
this applesauce recipe for slightly older babies -
Best Baby Applesauce
· One sweet apple, such as a Red Delicious or a Gala apple
· Heaping cup of Mother love
Peel one half of a fresh apple. Hold the apple in your hand on the unpeeled side. Scrape the peeled side of the apple slowly with a spoon. This will puree the apple. Feed spoonfuls to the baby.
Babies eat slowly. By the time the first spoonful has been swallowed, you will have more ready. You are now in the same time zone with the child.
Relax and enjoy this moment with the baby.I think I’ll just stick with the book.
And Tayne, well as you can see, he isn’t taking all this as well as Pallas - but we have reached a compromise. He’s agreed to try new foods that aren’t yucky -

I for one can’t wait to discover what will meet that qualification.
Good for you! I like making baby food. You'll get over the recipe book thing. Last night, I made a beef soup/stew for Carina, but I didn't have all the ingredients of either the soup recipe or the stew recipe. So, I just kind of mixed and matched. It smelled pretty good - we're going to have some of it for big people dinner tonight.
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