Personally, I can’t believe it’s been 20 years - I don’t like to think about it too much, because then I have to reconcile my age with memories of going to the park when it first opened here in Texas, and I clearly have memories of being a teenager instead of being the 7 or 8 years old the age I currently like to consider myself would require me to have been at the time…er, uh -enough about me! It's about the kids...

Since the day the flyer came in the mail Tayne has been planning - Swimsuits have been tried on, the official park season calendar consulted, and the official Sea World Texas website mysteriously added to my homepage tabs. Not to mention the frequent reminders to, "Buy season passes today!" -the price of which, a mere $219 plus tax for 4 when purchased on the website, Tayne felt was a little steep until he realized that each person only had to come up with $55 (an amount right around what he has saved up in the bank) - after this in addition to the frequent calls to "buy now, so we don’t miss a minute of the fun!" (Never mind the fact that he specifically refused to consider any of those minutes that the park is open the entire month of March because the Lost Lagoon water park doesn’t open until April- it seems he’s discovered arguments provided by advertisers can be a strong ally when making your case to the unconvinced ) came the questions, -Do you have $55 dollars saved? Do you think Grandma Dee has $55 dollars? Do you think that’s a lot of money? Does Sea World like a lot of money?… So, when Grandma Dee called last night to say she was buying the tickets (online no less!) Tayne had a new hero!

So get ready whales, and photo department at Wal-Mart, we’re coming back to San Antonio - and this year Pallas is ready for the fun!

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