Today is Tayne’s birthday! He’s turning 7. There’s no cake today – because we had a party last weekend with his cousin and did all that stuff (the singing, the cake, the candles…) he didn’t want to do it again (a direct quote from when we tried to talk him into picking out a cake yesterday – “Didn’t we already do that?”) What?!? Who refuses a reason for cake, especially when you get to pick it out? I guess it’s a good thing I never got around to setting up a local party and inviting people over, and when did 7 become the new 30? We talked him into birthday doughnuts at least (he didn’t want the candles, but I couldn’t resist!) – Anyway, here's a few picts from the "other" party...

Dino cakes (the fearsomeness was somehow not translated in the decorating process, instead of fighting, the are just sort of waving hello to each other.

Here's what we did already.

Can you see the crazy fun?

here they are with Uncle Scott (YOu can see Pallas' hair is about the same color as Tayne's)

Posing with Aunt Tammy - hum, maybe I should stop saying I don't know where Tayne's red hair comes from...
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