Here's a quick review of some of the things I didn't get around to blogging about this week -
*Went out to see if I could snap a photo of some of the birds who come to our feeder and instead I found this -

-Not exactly a ninja are you there squirrel.
*Helped to finish off these -

Why yes, it is a significantly larger than normal box of chocolates, but there is much love in our home when it can be expressed by chocolate. Besides, it was 50% off on Saturday after Valentine’s - sadly not 50% off calories.
*Remembered I planted this about two weeks ago -

What is it, you say? Why it's a
gooseberry bush! They aren't supposed to do well here in the heat, but he's tucked away somewhere that get's afternoon shade so we'll just see how he does come summer. The soil seems to agree with him so far -am I a great gardener or what!?!
*Cooked and ate some of these -

Rutabags of course- don't feel bad if you didn't get it, I'd never had one either. But apparently babies are supposed to love the taste of them. To me they tasted like a potato with a slight cabbage taste (Troy said potato and squash, but he doesn't eat a lot of vegetables, and I've never once seen him eat squash since we've been together, so I'm not sure what he's basing that on.)The guy at the checkout didn't know what they were either - when he asked me if they were turnips, I said no, they were rutabagas, so he saved them until the last thing to scan - looked it up on the little code chart they had - typed it in super fast and hit total even faster (yep, he counted them as turnips). -Why ask if you aren't going to believe me???
*And started work on these -

I'm crocheting crazy chickens/birds for Easter. They cover a large plastic egg, and are just super cute. The second from the left is the original that I'm basing them off of. I'll show them off again when I finish them.
See, this is the type of stuff going on when I say, "I've been busy." Now, the kids are up so I've really got to go. Today is Thursday, those are always pretty busy...
I love reading your blog valerie, you write so well!! Your kids are so dang cute!! Pallas is getting so big!! Love your little egg covers too!! Hope all is well!! :)
(P.S. Dang that is alot of "!!"'s) :)
Pallas is getting a Nintendo DS Lite. I am Anonymous. I can't take a long time in this idea I could save $79.95 for a used one, amanda.
Love, Mic.
My Nintendo DS Lite's serial number is: UG162064827.
Choose a chat room to join, amanda.
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