Happy Valentine’s Day - When Tayne was little we used to call it Val & Tayne’s Day, but now that has to work on spelling and grammar every day he doesn’t think that’s cute, and he tells us we are incorrect, which I don’t think is cute, so we are back to the more traditional spelling and pronunciation.
Most of the surprises were given last night - both Troy and Tayne bought me flowers -Troy bought a dozen roses for me (well, there were 11 the same shape and color and one mismatched one stuck in the back and off to the side that when commented on was hastily deemed representative of the uniqueness of our love, or possibly meant for Pallas - I think someone just screwed up making the arrangements (I'm more of a cynic than a romantic -which is probably why I don't get flowers all that often), but a rose is a rose I guess...) Tayne is a guy after my own heart - whenever he picks out the flowers he always brings me something that looks like a sad little bundle of weeds - I’m always surprised the flowers he brings home are even for sale - but I really kind of enjoy them because secretly dandelions are my favorite flowers - they are so cheery and you can’t just get them at a store - it’s really the effort I enjoy more than the flowers & Tayne always seems to find a way to combine the two (effort and sad flowers) in a way only a mother could love; seriously though if he ever brings flowers to a girl I think it would be a deal breaker…
There were also treats to be made - Tayne picked out some peel and bake cookies from the store where he got the flowers, so we made those up before bedtime. They didn’t turn out so stellar, they looked about the same uncooked as they did when cooked (although less floppy) and they tasted heavily of the excess red dye pumped into them - but it was a fun activity with the kids.
I did discover something puzzling though - the tray on the highchair is as big as a cookie sheet. Why? Why does and infant or even a toddler need that much space for food? Their food comes in tiny jars, and the store is full of toddler size food accessories that are tiny and therefore somehow more appealing and friendly then my full sized dinnerware and utensils… but that’s a rant for another day - The kids are up, and I’m sure we’ve got plans, hopefully we can all survive the love!

Wow, look how big Pallas has gotten! Kids are their own Valentine. :)
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